Monday, June 13, 2011

Father's Day Questionnaire

**UPDATE**  There is now a link at the bottom for a 2012 PDF copy if you prefer!
I found this cute Father's Day questionnaire, but the link didn't work for me.  So I decided to make my own.  It was funny to see how my kids (ages 5 and 3) answered.  Take a look:

Now, if you want to have a copy, here is a blank one:
So, now just click on the above picture, and save it to your computer.  I think Dad's are going to love it!
***OR, click HERE to go to a PDF version***(Remember, it might take a minute to load)


  1. Adorable!!! I saw one on Pinterest, but it kept taking me to google docs with nothing there so I decided to google for it and found yours. So happy I did! :) We will be using this for sure. I am going to share on my Facebook page as well. :) Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!

  2. Sharing this on our blog. I love it! :)

  3. Thank you so much!! I've been looking for this also! It looks great!

  4. Thank you for the updated version. You rock!

  5. Thank you for this! I had seen a bunch on pinterest and I liked your best! This is perfect and I'm so glad I don't have to make my own! :) Thank you!

  6. Thank you! What a great gift!! People like you are a blessing!

  7. LOVE this! I would LOVE it even more if you would consider making a 2013 one??? This would be a great addition to my hubby's fathers day gifts from our three boys! If you can make it, that'd be great, my email is


  8. Thanks for the inspiration! Since I only have one kid, I didn't make a place for a name, and mine is two pages, not one, but I totally made boxes just like you.

  9. Helloooooo I love this for father's day but unfortunately I can't download it every time I click the link it sends me to an Adobe page asking me to buy something is it possible to email me this?
